Comic Strip

Comic Strip
If Humans Didn't Have Thumbs....

Sunday, February 22, 2015

American Revolution Glogster!!

This glogster was great fun to put together. I was able to incorporate into one poster useful information to give a concise overview on the topic of The American Revolution. It's really like one-stop shopping. I was able to find not only information relevant to the topic but fun and interesting videos and games.
The Glogster site is very useful for teachers. It is a way to create enriching activities and save them for future use. The posters are eye catching and adds to lesson plans on any subjects. 

Monday, February 16, 2015

Concept Map

Concept Maps help create a mental image for the student to follow along with the lesson and help them organize their thoughts.
This lesson on the Three Branches of Government allows students to see the sharing of responsibilities and duties of each branch so no one branch has power over the other.